1. All club shells will be identified with NRC logo. All other shells are not owned by NRC.
2. All club oars are painted red or red & blue. Colored tape identifies sets of sculling blades. Blades without red, or red & blue paint are not owned by NRC.
3. Inspect your equipment before launching. Check for any hull damage, making sure the seat and oarlocks move freely. If the equipment does not check out, or is possibly damaged, tag it with a description of the concern taped to the equipment, set it aside, note it in the NRC log and notify a coach. (eg. seat track sticking)
4. Report any safety hazard on the club message board (e.g. log floating near marshes area in Beebe Cove).
5. When going out on the water, close boathouse, bathroom and dock doors. When leaving the property, ensure all doors (dock, boathouse & bathroom) are locked.
6. We follow US Coast Guard safety requirements and boating regulations. PFD’s must be in a following launch or in the shell while on the water between October 31 – May 31.
7. Use the buddy system whenever possible, especially when rowing out of Beebe Cove. Fellow NRC member’s contact information is available on the Members page of this website.
8. Rinse off the shell, rigger assemblies and oars after each use. Salt builds up very quickly, causing corrosion and wear!
9. Stuff Happens! If a shell or piece of equipment is damaged, tag the equipment with a description, set it aside, and notify a coach so the concern can be corrected.